You might surmise, from my latest few posts, that I have little to say. That is far from the truth. I in fact have many thoughts bouncing around in my head, but few that are ready go from random thought to the written word.
I'm restless. I'm uncomfortable with life in general, right now. The more things seem to balance out and become more "normal," the larger my tendency is to stand up abruptly and knock over the table. Usually, that desire is healthy and leads to truly greener pastures. Currently, however, it's my own need to make life more interesting by complicating things that is running the show.
I'd be boring if I was on an even keel though, right?
Just for being patient with me, here's one more picture.
I'm restless. I'm uncomfortable with life in general, right now. The more things seem to balance out and become more "normal," the larger my tendency is to stand up abruptly and knock over the table. Usually, that desire is healthy and leads to truly greener pastures. Currently, however, it's my own need to make life more interesting by complicating things that is running the show.
I'd be boring if I was on an even keel though, right?
Just for being patient with me, here's one more picture.