Vote, fuckers!
I may be without a real blog template at the moment, but I wanted to take a time out from my frantic hacking and remind everyone that it's your right and responsibility to cast your vote tomorrow. You may not think you're making a difference, but you are. You're shaping your state for the future, your future. You're influencing policy, helping put people in office who believe the same things that you do and will fight for them.
Vote tomorrow, and vote wisely. Do your research - don't just blindly vote democrat or republican unless you've looked at what that means for each candidate. I may be an anarchist, but until that is as feasible and maintainable for our society in practice as it is in theory my ass is getting out and marking that ballet.
Do your duty, people. That's all I'm sayin'.
*Comic courtesy of the best damn webcomic with stick figures out there, xkcd.