I love A Softer World, thanks to Bear. Monday is not a surgery day at my hospital, but we're performing 4 of them tomorrow anyway. I'm really looking forward to all the hecticness that will ensue due to all that excitement (that's sarcasm, just in case it wasn't dripping off the screen at you.). We have 2 canine ACL repairs, we're mending a skull fracture on a Greyhound and are performing an exploratory surgery on a cat (that looks EXACTLY like mine) that we think may have Feline Infectious Peritonitis. I'm already exhausted, hence the bitter irony of that comic strip. Wouldn't we all like to stick a chair leg through our managers? I'm saddled with one that came straight out of human medicine, which is night and day to what I do. I'd like to do a whole lot more with that chair leg, let me just say. *ahem*
I may be fairly scarce on here this week. I've got 2 exams and my only child turns 5 on Thursday, so I'll be studying, wrapping, headache-ing, baking... you name it. At least this weekend is set out to be fairly stress free.
All is still pretty quiet on the sexual front, as opposed to every other area of my life. My girl and I went out for a nice Italian dinner last night and ended the evening at about 2:30 this morning. We watched Oldboy (highly recommended), which she fell asleep during, and some stupid lesbian romance movie on the Oh network called Kissing Jessica Stein (which is lame).
Bear is still out of commission, although his biofeedback therapist did suggest that we add another person to our collection. Honestly, I'm fed up of bitches (a friend who I thought had disowned me 2 years ago because of my "lifestyle" (yes, that's what she told me) recently called to tell me that she really stopped talking to me because she was afraid that she was having feelings for me - why can't life bring me more actual bisexual chicks and fewer "bi-curious" ones?! Jesus.). I really like this girl, I'll call her Phedre since she's named herself that anyway, and I can't really invest too much more time and attention in romantic relationships. Most girls can't fuck and forget, unfortunately. I'm one of the few, but have only come across one other of my kind. *laugh*
So, I'm still kicking. I'm going to back to studying, now. Plus I need all the patience I can muster to make it through the surgery schedule tomorrow. Wish me luck and steady hands.