Jumping in...

-- Barbara Hall
It's hard for me to really see when I'm foolishly rushing into things versus when I'm proceeding quickly because I know in my heart that things are right. I'm a huge believer in reckless abandon. Life has a way of teaching us lessons, whether we proceed quickly or step gingerly. I'd rather jump in head-first than stick my toe into the shallow end. At least if it's going to end badly, we'll get there sooner rather than later. I've looked, I've listened, I've made my choice and now I'm prepared to act... and that's all I'm going to say about it at the moment.
Well, that and I just absolutely LOVE that picture. One person CAN take on the world. That's proof.
No horny ramblings today. Haven't actually had sex for over a week. Can't remember how it feels. Ok, that last part isn't entirely true. There's just been a lot going on, and I have mental pictures of dead puppies and kitties in my head while I'm getting used to the new job, so I haven't been the most aroused little bunny lately. Maybe this weekend I'll have something to write about. I certainly hope so!
*I didn't forget that I promised to elaborate on the previous entry's quote. I'll probably do that tomorrow unless something dramatic happens. Fear not, adorable worriers.*