Brief recap.
Some days are harder than others to articulate. It's not that there is anything particularly different about the day in question, it's that (as he put it a few days back when I was balking at writing a story for him) writing is about perseverance. If you really are a writer, and you really want to write, some days you have to force yourself to do it. Words don't always come quickly, or easily, but they are always worth it.
My interview went well, I should hear back from them by the end of next week. I'm one of only two people (out of a hundred!) that they are recommending for the job. I consider that a pretty glowing recommendation, and I'm still excited thinking about the prospect of working there. I feel much more relaxed now, the hard stuff is finished and only the waiting remains. I can fill that up with all types of things - reading, writing, working, fucking... the possibilities are endless.
Now I'm heading to bed. The dark circles under my eyes are beginning to look like I was beaten savagely like the red-headed step child I am.
My interview went well, I should hear back from them by the end of next week. I'm one of only two people (out of a hundred!) that they are recommending for the job. I consider that a pretty glowing recommendation, and I'm still excited thinking about the prospect of working there. I feel much more relaxed now, the hard stuff is finished and only the waiting remains. I can fill that up with all types of things - reading, writing, working, fucking... the possibilities are endless.
Now I'm heading to bed. The dark circles under my eyes are beginning to look like I was beaten savagely like the red-headed step child I am.